近日,共青团宜宾市委、宜宾市学生联合会先后发布《关于表扬第九届“宜宾青年五四奖章”的通报》《关于表扬2023年度“宜宾市五四红旗团委(团支部)”“宜宾市优秀共青团员”“宜宾市优秀共青团干部”的通报》,天原集团机关团总支被授予“宜宾市五四红旗团支部” 称号,天原科创设计公司缑可贞“宜宾青年五四奖章个人 ”称号,天原集团团委梁格强、机关团总支胡美琼“宜宾市优秀共青团干部”称号,天原海丰和锐团支部宋发洋、天原锂电新材团支部李佳林“宜宾市优秀共青团员 ”称号。

Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
近日,共青团宜宾市委、宜宾市学生联合会先后发布《关于表扬第九届“宜宾青年五四奖章”的通报》《关于表扬2023年度“宜宾市五四红旗团委(团支部)”“宜宾市优秀共青团员”“宜宾市优秀共青团干部”的通报》,天原集团机关团总支被授予“宜宾市五四红旗团支部” 称号,天原科创设计公司缑可贞“宜宾青年五四奖章个人 ”称号,天原集团团委梁格强、机关团总支胡美琼“宜宾市优秀共青团干部”称号,天原海丰和锐团支部宋发洋、天原锂电新材团支部李佳林“宜宾市优秀共青团员 ”称号。