2021 年3月16日,天原集团、宁德时代、天原集团重要参股子公司宜宾锂宝公司三方共同签订了全面战略合作协议(2021 年-2030 年)。协议约定宁德时代将在未来十年优先采购天原集团宜宾锂宝正极材料产品不少于20万吨,且2021年不少于1.5万吨,2022年不少于2.5万吨。另各方将在业务、资本及研发等方面开展全面战略合作,充分抓住新能源产业链发展的巨大机会,共同推动宜宾作为全国重要锂电池生产基地的产业高质量发展。
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
2021 年3月16日,天原集团、宁德时代、天原集团重要参股子公司宜宾锂宝公司三方共同签订了全面战略合作协议(2021 年-2030 年)。协议约定宁德时代将在未来十年优先采购天原集团宜宾锂宝正极材料产品不少于20万吨,且2021年不少于1.5万吨,2022年不少于2.5万吨。另各方将在业务、资本及研发等方面开展全面战略合作,充分抓住新能源产业链发展的巨大机会,共同推动宜宾作为全国重要锂电池生产基地的产业高质量发展。