2018年廉洁文化宣传月来啦!根据上级纪委要求,公司纪委将于 9 月广泛深入开展以“转作风、抓落实、树形象、作表率”为主题的廉洁文化宣传月活动。活动还将结合“大学习、大讨论、大调研”,以开展“党纪党规知识练兵”、征文比赛、反腐倡廉警示教育及短信倡廉的形式展开。
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
Office Phone:
0831-5980662Founded in 1944, Tianyuan Group, with the corporate mission of "For a Better Life Create Scientific Miracles", is committed to creating a mega comprehensive modern enterprise group with international competitiveness, with new materials and new energy industry as its core business.
2018年廉洁文化宣传月来啦!根据上级纪委要求,公司纪委将于 9 月广泛深入开展以“转作风、抓落实、树形象、作表率”为主题的廉洁文化宣传月活动。活动还将结合“大学习、大讨论、大调研”,以开展“党纪党规知识练兵”、征文比赛、反腐倡廉警示教育及短信倡廉的形式展开。